Latest Embassy News


Signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Order of Malta and Niger

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Niger, His Excellency Hassoumi Massoudou, and the Ambassador of the Order of Malta signed a cooperation agreement defining the guidelines for cooperation between Niger and the Sovereign Order of Malta.

International news


Order of Malta flag returns home after mission to international space station

After taking part in the Axiom 3 space mission last January, the flag of the Sovereign Order of Malta has returned home. In a ceremony held at the Magistral Villa…


Order of Malta’s 2nd Conference dedicated to African Diplomatic Corps

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s second conference dedicated to the African Diplomatic Corps was held in Rome on 11 September, at the Magistral Villa, the Order’s seat of government. Some…


Grand Chancellor receives Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of El Salvador

The Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Riccardo Paternò di Monteucpo, received on Thursday 5 September the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of El Salvador, Alexandra…